Create Your Course

This page belongs to instructors only!
If you are interested in becoming instructor – please fill out this form

As an instructor, you have permission to create content and courses independently, set the price, and build your course entirely independently.
We recommend watching a LearnDash course that explains how to build your course and content:

LearnDash Documentation

LearnDash Videos – How to build your course

If you would like initial help in setting up the course, feel free to fill out the following form, and we will set up the course for you so you can progress quickly and spread your knowledge around the world!

Choose the video recording method and technique that suits you

You can choose what type, of course, you want to upload and create. There are two techniques for filming and editing videos, and each has a relative advantage.

Standard video without the integration of the algorithm

Taking a video tutorial with an audio explanation:
In this option, the instructor simply demonstrates and explains in words (in English or any language convenient to him) the movements and the techniques. That is something that you can find in many places across the web.
The advantage of this option is that it is easy to edit; just record the lesson, upload it to the system, and spread your knowledge quickly and easily, and make some money along the way.
The disadvantage of this option is that our algorithm can not be executed on such videos, and therefore your students will not receive automatic feedback from the system.

Example of a standard video without the integration of the algorithm:

[presto_player id=28857]

Video with automatic technical feedback

Record only the technique and movements with a written explanation:
Each movement must be recorded separately in this option, and the final variation will be recorded separately as well. Each video consists of only one repetitive motion. In addition, any technical emphasis is marked on the video itself and explained in text written next to the video at the appropriate moment.
This method’s main advantage is that you can run the DanceDemy algorithm on this video and provide your students with technical and professional feedback, automatically and without human involvement.
The downside is that it takes longer to build the videos this way, and it is a more significant investment to produce them, both in terms of time and money.

Example of a video with the integration of the algorithm:

[presto_player id=28200]

We recommend

Start with standard explanatory videos and at the same time record technique videos:
To quickly launch your first course, we recommend that you start uploading content with standard videos and recorded your classes’ content to give your students immediate value.
Once you have launched the course, you will start making technical movement videos, including only your classes’ essential movements. Choose the most complex movements, which are important to give feedback to your students about them.
The course can always be edited and upgraded, even for those who have purchased it in the past.
A combination of the two techniques is the best combination.

If you would like initial help in setting up the course, feel free to fill out the following form, and we will set up the course for you so you can progress quickly and spread your knowledge around the world!

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